We are able to satisfy our customers even in cases of special orders.
For example, in 2003 a small drilling unit HVS 278 for the Mengis Company in Lucerne was produced.
It was a drilling unit mounted on a undercarriage crawler with hydraulic extension of 780-1200 mm. The hydraulic winch is mounted directly on the rear side of the undercarriage. A telescopic mast with slider and hydraulic hammer is mounted on the mast. Movement of the slider is provided by a hydraulic cylinder placed in the carriage, through a system of pulleys and chain. The unit has its own power-generating unit, mounted on a single-axle undercarriage which is drawn behind the unit. The drilling unit can be dismantled into three parts - undercarriage crawler, a telescopic carriage with rotating head and control panel, and the actual hydro-aggregate. Each part can weight 2 tons maximum, so a helicopter can transport it to inaccessible places.
Another sample of our work is a drilling ring HVS 5138F, made for Mostecká uhelná společnost.
It is a type of a medium-weight, full-hydraulic drilling ring for exploration well drilling in surface quarries. Drilling ring is set on Fastrac JCB tractor chassis. Drilling ring is intended for drilling holes of circular diameter 100 mm with depth up to 12 meter, in workings made in a mining way.
HVS 6187
HVS 6132 - firma Implenia
dokončeno: 2010
Vrtná souprava řady 6. Možnost provádět mikropilotáž, kotvení a hřebíkování, jádrové vrtání, vrtání studen, kolektory pro tepelná čerpadla atd.
HVS 6151 - Rusko, firma Exostra
dokončeno: 2012
Vrtná souprava řady 6. Možnost provádět mikropilotáž, kotvení a hřebíkování, jádrové vrtání, vrtání studen, kolektory pro tepelná čerpadla atd.
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