Our standard is carrying out servicing within 24 hours.
For servicing drilling rigs manufactured by this company, the customer can enjoy the advantage of spare parts, hydraulic and electrical components being available immediately. For instance, hydraulic hoses are numbered so in case of a defect, there is no need to look for the parameters, length or style of ends according to the defective one; the customer need only find the hose in the list of hoses and he can have the hose made in the nearest service station while he waits or we can send it express within 24 hours.
We also carry out the servicing of drilling rigs made by other manufacturers in as short terms as possible according to our capability. However, the customer must take into account problems with the delivery of spare parts for the drilling rig from a manufacturer who has insufficient servicing and whose spare parts are mostly not available in the Czech Republic. In this case, the lead-time can be several weeks. We are able to solve such situations by finding the component made by another manufacturer and we can replace the defective original part with another one with the same function.
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Speciální zakázky
Naše firma je schopná vyhovět i v případě speciálních zakázek.
Více informacíServis do 24 hodin
Naším standardem je zajištění servisu do 24 hodin, a to i o víkendech, o svátcích a v době prázdnin.
Více informací